Manage industrial paint residues with our powerful system
Problem / Need :
A manufacturer of industrial paints and coatings is faced with a major challenge: the efficient and highly efficient treatment of suspended solids ( MES ) and zinc in its paint rejects, with flow rates of up to 3 m³/h. The required solution is a technology that combines filtration efficiency with a small footprint, while managing high levels of residual material. The goal is to find a method of treatment that is adapted, sustainable and economically valid.
Method used / Answer provided :
We have developed a 4-step physico-chemical solution including :
- The contact tube with static mixer for Ph correction
- A coagulation stage that removes particles and suspended matter from the water and allows them to clump together using a coagulant.
- Flocculation eliminates particle agglomerates
- Lamella clarification to separate water from waste products
The treated water is afterwards stored. The complete process is carried out using a CFC.DLC, a polymer preparation unit and a contact stirrer with static mixer.
The system is so compact that it fits into a container, leaving 1 meter of clearance across the width once the equipment has been installed.
The suspended solids (MES) and zinc treatment process is carried out efficiently in a small volume thanks to the use of the compact CFC.DLC clarifier. This technology is specially designed to focus clarification operations in a tiny space, while ensuring rigorous removal of contaminants. Our clariflocculator incorporates advanced mechanisms that effectively separate and remove MES and zinc ions, meeting treated water quality requirements while respecting space constraints.
To carry out this project, 1h2o3 produced :
- A design
- The concept of the clariflocculator, lyre and polymer mixer
- Manufacture and integration of electromechanical equipments
- Delivery on site.
Compact Clarifloculator CFC.DLC
Coagulation flocculation
Year of production