Design form:
Clarifloculators, a combination of physico-chemical treatment and settling, are frequently used in water treatment. A clariflocculator is sized by calculating the volumes required to meet the contact times with the chemicals and adding the projected surface area of the settling tank, expressed in m².
The form below provides a fairly accurate estimate for well-known areas (drinking water, municipal wastewater treatment). For industrial water, it is preferable to carry out a test jar and then transfer the values found in this form.
With this information, you can directly estimate the number of equipment needed for your project, but also define the purchase price and the surface area. Have a good time!
PS: wait a few seconds for the form to load, it’s so full that it takes a long time to appear.
"*" indicates required fields
Some equipment in our clariflocculation range
CF-L.DL-M Clariflocculator
Coagulation flocculation -
Compact outdoor clariflocculator CFCE.DLCE
Coagulation flocculation -
Compact Clarifloculator CFC.DLC
Coagulation flocculation -
Clariflocculator CF-S.DL-S
Coagulation flocculation -
Monobloc Clariflocculator CFE-L.DLE-L
Coagulation flocculation