Design Form Skid Reut "*" indicates required fields What is the flow rate to be treated in m3/h*Please enter a number from 0 to 45.For flows > 45 m3/h, other more technical solutions are recommended. Please send an email to [email protected]What is the transmittance of your water?*Please enter a number from 50 to 99.At the outlet of the STEP, it can vary from 50 to 80%. UV technology is not suitable for transmittances below 50%.What is the target quality class?* A B C D ContactPreferred language French English Name* First Last Phone number*Useful if we need to call you back to get more details about your project!E-mail* Necessary to send you a quotation for your project in the minute!This field is hidden when viewing the formEstimated price (€)This field is hidden when viewing the formQ XSThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ SThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ MThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ LThis field is hidden when viewing the formQ XLThis field is hidden when viewing the formreal Q XSThis field is hidden when viewing the formreal Q SThis field is hidden when viewing the formreal Q MThis field is hidden when viewing the formreal Q LThis field is hidden when viewing the formreal Q XLThis field is hidden when viewing the formNB XSThis field is hidden when viewing the formNB SThis field is hidden when viewing the formNB MThis field is hidden when viewing the formNB LThis field is hidden when viewing the formNB XLThis field is hidden when viewing the formXS DoseThis field is hidden when viewing the formS DoseThis field is hidden when viewing the formM DoseThis field is hidden when viewing the formL DoseThis field is hidden when viewing the formXL DoseWe are in high demand so we have decided to only process requests made with company email addresses (@entreprise.xx)NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 41692 Water REUSE SKID Filtering