Skid Reut design form Design Form Skid Reut "*" indicates required fields What is the flow rate to be treated in m3/h*Please enter a number from 0 to 45.For flows > 45 m3/h, other more technical solutions are recommended. Please send an email to [email protected]What is the transmittance of your water?*Please enter a number from 50 to 99.At the outlet of the STEP, it can vary from 50 to 80%. UV technology is not suitable for transmittances below 50%.What is the target quality class?* A B C D ContactPreferred language French English Name* First Last Phone number*Useful if we need to call you back to get more details about your project!E-mail* Necessary to send you a quotation for your project in the minute!HiddenEstimated price (€)HiddenQ XSHiddenQ SHiddenQ MHiddenQ LHiddenQ XLHiddenreal Q XSHiddenreal Q SHiddenreal Q MHiddenreal Q LHiddenreal Q XLHiddenNB XSHiddenNB SHiddenNB MHiddenNB LHiddenNB XLHiddenXS DoseHiddenS DoseHiddenM DoseHiddenL DoseHiddenXL DoseWe are in high demand so we have decided to only process requests made with company email addresses (@entreprise.xx)EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 50318 Water REUSE SKID Filtering