Physical-chemical treatment
For water pre-treatment
What is physico-chemical treatment?
Whether producing drinking water or treating wastewater, a crucial step in the treatment process is removing particles. These particles have different sizes. They are classified into 4 categories:
- Dissolved (< 0,08 µm),
- Colloidal(0,08 – 1 µm),
- supracolloidal(> 1 – 100 µm)
- settleable(> 100 µm).
The type of treatment and its effectiveness depend on the size of the particles present in the water to be treated. Coarse particles are easy to remove using a lamella clarifier, for example. Finer particles settle poorly, but a drum filter can easily capture them. However, colloidal and dissolved particles cannot be properly treated by mechanical processes. So, we resort to physico-chemical treatments! By adding chemicals (known as coagulants and flocculants), we can create the right physical conditions for them to agglomerate and be removed.
The treatment steps
The physico-chemical treatment Is the combination of two stages known as coagulation-flocculation. This is a classic method for separating suspended solids in treatment plants. Physico-chemical treatment is generally combined with settling processes or filtration.
After a pH correction stage called “neutralization”, the water undergoes coagulation and then flocculation, where the particles agglomerate to form “flocs”. Finally, a physical separation stage separates the flocs from the treated water. We can detail the steps of this process as follows:
- Neutralization: pH correction to reach the optimum efficiency of the coagulant (value indicated on the product’s technical data sheet).
- Coagulation: Rapid mixing of a coagulant product with the property of neutralizing the negative charges of particles in the water.
- Flocculation: By slowly mixing another chemical called a flocculant for several minutes, flocs form and come together.
- Separation: It involves the physical separation of solids (by settling, flotation, or filtration) that easily settle due to their increased volume and density!
What is physico-chemical treatment used for?
- Accelerate particle settling speed (Hazen speed) to reduce the size of structures and save floor space
- Remove fine, colloidal and dissolved particles
- the most suitable chemical products
- optimal chemical doses
- optimal contact time.
Some examples of packages involving physico-chemical treatment:
Coagulation flocculation CF-S.
Coagulation flocculation -
Compact Clarifloculator CFC.DLC
Coagulation flocculation -
Clariflocculator CF-S.DL-M
Coagulation flocculation