Optimizing biodisk WWTPs with our lamella clarifier
Problem / Need :
The community of communes was encountering technical difficulties at its biodisque wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), linked to the limited capacity of the two drum filters used in biological treatment. This setup prevented an adequate response to regulatory requirements concerning Suspended Solids (SS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), resulting in frequent overruns and regular non-compliance with established standards.
Method used / Answer provided :
To overcome these difficulties, we have suggested the use of lamella clarifiers. The objective was to improve treatment efficiency by placing these clarifiers between the biodisks and the drum filters, to ensure more effective management of Suspended Solids (SS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
For this project, two lamella clarifiers were installed, with an access walkway to facilitate maintenance. The chosen model is the DLM-S monobloc, selected for its efficiency in confined spaces and its ability to integrate harmoniously into the existing infrastructure of the treatment plant, while complying with environmental and technical standards.
After the integration of the lamella clarifiers, the discharge parameters of the biodisk WWTP improved. The results showed compliance with environmental standards with values of :
- TSS at 8 mg/L,
- COD at 55 mg/L.
To carry out this project, 1h2o3 created :
- Solution design
- Lamella clarifiers and walkway construction
- Manufacture of electromechanical equipment and integration into existing facilities
- Delivery and installation on site
Monoblock DLM-S Lamella clarifier
Lamella clarifiers
Year of production