Turnkey clarifloculation solution for wine effluents
Problem / Need :
1h2o3 designed and built a compact lamella coagulation-flocculation- clarifier unit that was installed between the biological storage tank and the reed planted filters.
Elle a été installée pour protéger les roseaux que vous pouvez voir en arrière-plan de la photo. The reed filters are struggling to cope with the MES load, as the treatment plant has reached saturation point. They are often overloaded.
This is why we were consulted to find a solution to relieve its reeds. After carrying out a few test jugs on site, we determined that the small-model clarifloculation solution (CFCE.DCE) was more than sufficient to greatly relieve the reeds. Another advantage: compactness. It’s easy to fit this compact unit into the existing site.
Method used / Answer provided :
Initial tests with the effluent showed that a lamella clarifier alone was not sufficient to properly remove MES given the fine particle dimensions, so we carried out jar tests and determined that the combination of a flocculant coagulation unit with the lamella clarifier would enable very good removal of MES present in the effluent.
For easier integration, we opted for the CFCE.DLCE model, which combines all these processing stages in a 5 m² footprint. The sludge from the treatment process is treated on a drying floor. The purified water still feeds the 1st reed bed.
In this way, we were able to meet expectations:
- maintain and relieve the existing sector
- store sludge separately on a drying bed planted with reeds.
- to keep the existing site and make the most of the existing wastewater treatment plant, increasing its capacity with a compact, energy-efficient process.
- achieve water quality compatible with reuse (REUT) for irrigation.
1h2o3 therefore proposed a compact, compliant and high-performance line consisting of :
- Coagulation chamber with rapid mixing
- Flocculation basin with slow shaking
- Compact lamella clarifier
- Sludge extraction to the sludge drying section
As a result, we were able to meet the following requirements :
- Preserve and reduce the load on the existing treatment circuit.
- Separate storage of sludge on a drying unit equipped with reeds.
- Maintaining the integrity of the existing site, while at the same time optimising the existing wastewater treatment process, increasing its capacity using a compact, energy-efficient process.
- Obtaining water quality that meets reuse standards (REUT) and is suitable for irrigation.
To carry out this project, 1h2o3 produced :
- A design
- Clariflocculator conception
- Manufacture and integration of electromechanical equipment (sludge pump, flowmeter, etc.)
Compact outdoor clariflocculator CFCE.DLCE
Coagulation flocculation
Year of production