Advanced biofiltration

An automated backwash process that requires no moving parts or electrical components.

Our Filter + Biofilter technology is able to handle 50-100% higher ammonia loads than standard bead filters, with significantly less water loss and pressure drop.

In addition, this innovative backwash process prevents clogging and fouling. Therefore, you can concentrate on the operation without having to worry about cleaning the filter.

This provides a thorough backwash that keeps the biofilm intact while allowing the system to operate for long periods of time without maintenance.

Benefits of the Aquaponics (AP) range of filters:

  • Automatic backwash – these filters clean themselves
  • Optional airlift circulation provides additional energy savings
  • Small footprint
  • Combined filtration and bio-filter (biological treatment)
  • Biofilm is preserved from frequent washing cycles
  • Simple layout with no moving parts that can deteriorate.
  • Reduced water loss – only concentrated mud is removed.

Full skid: filter + biofilter + UV

Quick and easy to install skids

With our skids, you can be sure to get a professionally assembled system. These skids are supplied with all the basic functions for filtration, as well as UV disinfection as an option. In addition, the unit features an automatic backwash, using an easy-to-operate pneumatic backwash mechanism designed to save you time.

  • Mounted on a frame for indoor or outdoor use
  • UV disinfection optional available
  • Additional in-line measurement probes (T°C, pH, O2, redox, conductivity…) in option, connected to the electrical cabinet
  • Alarm system by Wifi or SMS optional
  • Low power consumption
  • Possibility to adapt the skid for seawater
  • Centrifugal pumps on variable speed drive with dry-running protection
  • Strainer basket upstream of the pump to collect large debris
  • Optional solenoid valve for mud evacuation
  • Optional mud pump
  • PVC Plumbing
  • Connection at strategic points for easy maintenance

Simply connect the pipe from your pond to the suction of the pump and the pipe from the filter to your pond!


Bioclarifier filter without loss of backwash water: filter + biofilter

PLUG AND PLAY” system for sea water : AP22

Filter features

Filter + biofilter for aquaculture and aquaponics

Design specifications

High performance backwash

This technology uses a static bed of beads to capture suspended solids and provide a substrate for biofilm development to effectively remove dissolved pollution (organic matter, ammonium). As time passes, the accumulation of material in the bead bed begins to reduce the flow rate through the unit. Each application has its own optimal backwash interval. For some cases, a long backwash interval produces optimal performance (TSS) and for others, an extremely short backwash interval is preferred (nitrification). As a rule, short backwash intervals (<6 hours) are associated with large loads. Best performance for lightly loaded applications is generally associated with extended backwash intervals(>12 hours).

Low-load applications that emphasize water purity (low turbidity) are typically associated with extended backwash intervals, perhaps twice a week. In lightly loaded applications that require clear water, start with a once-a-day backwash interval. Increase the backwash frequency (increase the amount of air) if the flow through the filter decreases significantly, as this indicates that solids are not being removed sufficiently during backwashing. In recirculating systems, the success of the backwash adjustment is reflected in the concentration of ammonium (NH4) and nitrite. It is not uncommon to see the NH4 concentration reduced by 50% with a small change in backwash frequency.

Skid AP11 with UV disinfection reactor, air pump, water pump and pre-filter, delivered fully assembled on a weatherproof frame.

AP22 on large growing ponds – Gulf Coast Research Lab – Mississippi.

Filter on a Koi facility in Indonesia containing Grand Champion Koi

Broodstock facility using an AP22 filter.

Let's start today!

Whether it’s a simple drum filter or a complete custom recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), our engineers can help you select the perfect combination of equipment for your needs.

Contact us now!

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