Batch dosing of liquid polymers

All-in-one equipment! Our dosing equipment includes a fully integrated sand filter to ensure the filtration of your water.

It is equipped with 4 compact and complete skids with the following treatment capacities:

  • 10 m³
  • 20 m³
  • 30 m³
  • 40 m³

DBL dosing models are a complete skid for batch dilution of liquid chemicals with water at variable concentrations.

Equipped with a single sensor, these batch dilution skids are easy to operate and maintain. The materials used to manufacture our products are high-quality, resistant and recyclable. The main structure consists of a cylindrical HDPE tank. A separating plate keeps the preparation zone separate from the ripening zone.

What’s more, a sand filter is already integrated to ensure better filtration of your water!

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