Wastewater quality parameter.

What are the wastewater quality parameters?

Depending on the country and the receiving environment, government agencies define wastewater quality parameters. They allow you to :

  • Monitoring the impact of human activities on watercourses
  • Measuring water quality and identifying sources of pollution
  • Assessing the state of aquatic ecosystems
  • Taking steps to reduce pollution and protect the environment

In some special cases or for large municipal wastewater treatment plants, special parameters complete them, such as :

  • Hard nitrogen: which can be found in mineral form (ammonia, nitrate) or in organic form. Its organic or ammoniacal presence results in a consumption of oxygen in the natural environment and alters the living conditions.
  • ratio such as COD / BOD5: this ratio gives an indication of the source and origin of the organic pollution. The BOD5 of unpolluted surface water varies between 2 and 20 mg/l. Measures that go beyond that indicate water pollution. 
Composition of total nitrogen total nitrogen wastewater parameters 1h2o3

Wastewater components

They are often supplemented by various ratios and evaluated in terms of the total flow of the watercourse. Wastewater quality parameters generally include BOD5, COD and TSS.

These parameters are often associated with the :

  • NGL : the global nitrogen
  • NH4: ammoniacal nitrogen
  • NO3 : nitrates
  • Pt

In this section, we have described:

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